Jayne Pugh

Class Instruction Expert

MA Performance LTD secured Jayne Pugh as its permanent Class Instructor in December 2023. Jayne has been in the industry for over 25 years and has formed the reputation and one of the UK's top class Instructors. Known for her wit and one liners the classes will not only have you fit, toned and sweaty but also laughing and empowered. Jayne has a wealth of knowledge exclusive to the highest quality instructors and explains each exercise in precise detail. She has a kind soul and cares for each and every client who walks through her class door, until the music starts, then she demands the highest quality as she does from herself!

We are very proud to call Jayne one of our own

  • Booking A Class

    Using our simple bookwhen system, you can book as many classes as you wish. Simply choose the classes, pay and enjoy!


  • Where to Go?

    Our Class studio is 

    Calderfields Golf Club


    WS4 2JS 

  • What To Wear?

    For Power 'N' Pump and Pilates, Booties and Abs - Good Fitness shoes are essential. any basic Fitness gear is fine! Don't over spend we are all equal

    For Pilates - Please bring a mat, Socks if prefer the class is performed without shoes

  • Is it for Beginners?

    Although Jayne will do her upmost to make the class accessable for all, it's not a PT session. In moment you may struggle slimpy, reduce your intensity or take a break and join back in

  • What should I Expect?

    We are a community of people who help one another. Many new faces have been warmly accepted into our community and are now thriving. we don't do cliques we are one team and we help one another

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